Monday, October 11, 2004

That's not what Latigo Flint ordered

I didn't order the French Toast Slam, I ordered the Lumberjack Slam. But that's fine, I won't send it back or belittle the waitress. I'll eat the French Toast Slam and probably enjoy it almost as much as the Lumberjack Slam.

See, I'm Latigo Flint, the quickest quickdraw ever, and I live my life with a calm confidence, a cool quiet confidence that's calm and deep. Maybe I was born with it, or maybe it grew over time, slowly welling up like a new mountain spring from the knowledge that wherever I go, whomever I meet, I'll always be the fastest gunslinger there. When you can slap thigh and shuck the iron of your authentic replica Colt Peacemaker revolvers from their hand tooled elk hide holsters as blisteringly fast as I can, it tends to give you a new perspective on stuff, and that perspective makes you confident, and also calm.


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